Where to Eat & the Essentials

restaurant where to eat watu karung beach

restaurant where to eat watu karung beach

  1. Stalls: noodle, snack etc. Recomended Waroong IPUT: veggie rice with peanut souce (nasi pecel), mix fruits on ice (es campur), noodle, snack, coconut
  2. Pizza restaurant
  3. Warung Bamboo: rice, fish
  4. Grocery: petrol for motorbike/genset, drinking water by gallon, gas for cooking, phone credit voucher for wifi
  5. Grocery: snack, soft drink, milk
  6. BIKE rent
  7. Fish market: depends on catch of the day, fish, squid, and LOBSTER
  8. Sari Laut Restaurant, Solo Pacitan street on the way to Pacitan: restaurant on the hill with grilled tuna, view of port (was a surf spot at teleng ria before government build the wall)


Other things to do, click trip advisor pacitan

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